I am devastated over the outcome of Somer Reneee Thompson's disappearance. Please pray for her family...this is very close to home...I work with a girl who's 6 year old child plays ball at Grove Park Elementary. I am having a very hard time dealing with this...I am not sure why this is harder because this thing happens way too often but this is killing me...Please lift your hearts up for the family of Somer. You can read this...http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33410779/ns/today-today_people
Christmas, believe it or not, is right around the corner...start early with a small donation to a VERY worthy cause so dear to my heart! Great prizes and lots of ways to enter! Head on over to The Best Christmas Giveaway Ever and see what's cookin'!
Please keep my dear friend, Amy B and all her family in your prayers. They are heartbroken over the sudden and tragic loss of her 4 month old nephew, Jackson. Needless to say, this is beyond difficult for them.